Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lesson 10 Jesus Won Their Confidence August 27- Sept 2 2016

Lesson 10* August 27-September 2

Jesus Won Their Confidence

Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Gen. 15:6Num. 14:111 Cor. 3:1-9Dan. 6:1-3Neh. 2:1-9Deut. 4:1-9Acts 2:42-47.
Memory Text: “But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities” (Luke 5:15, ESV).
For several years, a Seventh-day Adventist church has provided breakfast five days a week for a local public elementary school. Though the nation itself was very secular, it just had passed a law providing enough money for each public school to have a chaplain, and the school and community wanted the Seventh-day Adventist church to provide one (it is rare to ask only one church to do that). The chaplain’s role is to help look after the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the students and even the wider school community. The opportunities are amazing.
“I enjoy the unique and special relationship we have with your church,” the school principal had said to the church pastor, who was visiting the school, “and just wish other churches could be involved the way you are.” When the pastor was leaving the grounds, the school’s community liaison officer thanked him for what the church was doing and asked if she could attend one Sabbath.
This week we will explore the issue of winning the confidence of people whom we aim to serve and win for Christ.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, September 3.
SundayAugust 28

Winning Confidence

After desiring their good, showing sympathy, and ministering to their needs, Jesus “won their confidence.” Confidence in Latin is composed of the words con,meaning “with,” and fides meaning “faith.” Throughout the Bible several words are employed to get across the meaning of the word faith.
In Hebrew the main root for “faith” is amn, from which we get the word amen.The basic idea is that of constancy, continuity, and reliability. It gives the idea of something solid, firm, in which one can trust and believe. It is often translated as “believe” in the context of a saving faith in God, and in another form it means “truth.” In the context of Christ’s example of winning people’s confidence, the implication would be that of evoking the kind of trust that comes from seeing unwavering and solid commitment, which in the case of Jesus came through mingling with, sympathizing with, and serving the people.
Read the following texts, all of which have a word based on the root amn (Gen. 15:6Num. 14:11Isa. 7:9Hab. 2:4). How is it used in the text, and how does it convey the idea of confidence and trust?

In the Greek of the New Testament the root word that is used to convey the Hebrew amn (faith, belief) is “pistis.” This Greek word for faith implies belief, trust, absolute certainty, reliability, and assurance. In the context of Christ’s example of winning people’s confidence, the implication would be that of evoking absolute certainty, assurance, trust, and belief in response to His unselfish commitment to mingling, sympathizing, and serving.
It is important to note that in Scripture, whenever this concept of confidence is attributed to humans-as in self-confidence or confidence in a person-it can often have a negative connotation (see Mic. 7:5 and Ps. 118:9). It is positive when this confidence is attributed to God. This calls for a word of caution. As followers of Jesus, we are called to live out His pattern of mingling, sympathizing, and ministering to people’s needs. Yet, when those we serve show confidence in us, we must point them to Jesus and what He has done for them.
If someone were to ask you, “What does true faith in God look like?” what would you answer, and why? Bring your answer to class on Sabbath.
MondayAugust 29

A Careful Balance

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in an African country is growing rapidly. What is the secret? Church leaders have stated that there is a strong connection between this growth and the unselfish and unconditional service of the church members to people in communities throughout the country. The widespread confidence in the Seventh-day Adventist Church came to the attention of the country’s president. He attended a large Adventist Community Services rally and thanked Seventh-day Adventist Church members personally for their service.
At the same time, as representatives of Christ we need to walk a fine line. We need to, as Jesus did, win the trust and the confidence of the people. But their confidence in and trust in us needs to be directed toward Jesus. We are mere conduits. They see something of Christ in us-be it selflessness, love, caring, self-denial for the good of others-and they are drawn to us. As always, though, if they look at us too carefully, because we are all sinners, they might not like all that they see. Hence, we must always point them to Jesus, in whom alone they can put their full confidence. The rest of us are, sooner or later, bound to disappoint.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-95:1. What is Paul dealing with in the church? What kind of witness would result if these people were inviting others to their church and the visitors saw what Paul was talking about?

Of course, we don’t have to be perfect or have a perfect church before we can seek to minister to the needs of others. At the same time, we must seek to be the kind of people whom, to some degree, others can learn to count on and trust. And we can do that only to the degree that we faithfully and diligently care for people as Jesus did. Indeed, there’s no question that many of the quarrels and struggles within a church would quickly dissipate were the members focused solely on ministering to the needs of the community and revealing to them the love of Christ.
If some visitors started attending your church regularly, what would they see, and what kind of witness would it present to them?
TuesdayAugust 30

Social Capital

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold” (Prov. 22:1, NIV)
How does the concept expressed here relate to our community witness and outreach?

What is “social capital”? When you make investments in a bank account, its value grows. Social capital consists of positive, productive relationships that are just as valuable as money in the bank. When you nurture rapport with community leaders, asking them what are the community’s needs, seeking their advice on meeting these needs, and then following up with action, you are building relationships with them. This is social capital. Each positive experience with them is like an investment in your relationship. Your social capital continues to grow, and you increase in value in their eyes.
The Church Manual reminds us that Seventh-day Adventists “should be recognized as outstanding citizens. . . in working for the common good.” We “should support by our service and our means, as far as possible and consistent with our beliefs, efforts for social order and betterment,” “maintaining an uncompromising stand for justice and right in civic affairs.”-“Standards of Christian Living,”  in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual (Hagerstownk Md.: Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 2010, pp. 137, 138.
In addition to Jesus’ earthly ministry, Scripture gives other examples of what can happen when God’s people have acquired “social capital.” Read the following passages and describe the positive relationships these Bible characters experienced with “outsiders” and what happened as a result:
Acts 7:9-10Gen. 41:38-45

Dan. 2:46-496:1-3

Of course, we might not have the kind of dramatic rescues and stories that are seen here. But that’s not the crucial point. These men displayed strength of character that impressed those around them. Ellen G. White states in Patriarchs and Prophets (pp. 217, 218, 221) and in Prophets and Kings (p. 628) that the following qualities among these godly men won the confidence and favor of the “heathens” around them: gentleness, fidelity, wisdom, sound judgment, abilities, noble dignity, and unswerving integrity.
WednesdayAugust 31

The Value of Social Capital

Churches are largely volunteer groups, which operate on limited budgets. Social capital helps improve the chance that your church can reach significant goals. The old tradition in some countries of farmers helping other farmers bring in their harvest is an example of social capital. That is, though we need to look at each situation on its own, when it is feasible and practical we can cooperate with others in order to reach our goals.
Read Nehemiah 2:1-9. What was the result of the heaven-sent confidence that King Artaxerxes had in Nehemiah?

“The means that he [Nehemiah] lacked he solicited from those who were able to bestow. And the Lord is still willing to move upon the hearts of those in possession of His goods, in behalf of the cause of truth. Those who labor for Him are to avail themselves of the help that He prompts men to give. . . . The donors may have no faith in Christ, no acquaintance with His word; but their gifts are not on this account to be refused.” - Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 634.
How fascinating that in this case God moved upon the hearts of pagans to help with the advancement of His own work. This should teach us an important lesson. To whatever degree we can, we should be willing to work with others, even those not of our faith, or even of any faith, if it will advance the cause of Christ. Though, of course, we always have to be careful about any kind of alliance we engage in with others, we can carefully and prayerfully work with others whose input can greatly aid in what we want to do for the good of the community as a whole. Oftentimes governments or even private businesses or individuals, impressed by our humanitarian work, will offer their support. This support shouldn’t be automatically accepted or automatically rejected. Instead, it should be prayerfully looked at on a case-to-case basis, with input and counsel, before a decision is made.
What are some ways you can build some “social capital” in your community that could later result in positive benefits, not for yourself, but for others?

ThursdaySeptember 1

Favor With All People

There’s no question that we, as a people, have been blessed with so much light from the Lord. This light isn’t just in theology, such as understanding the Cross, the sanctuary, the state of the dead, the Sabbath, and the great controversy, which are great blessings in and of themselves. When we think about the light given us in regard to health and healing as well, we surely have so much to offer those around us.
In fact, the health message can be a powerful point of contact to help us reach out to our communities. After all, even those who might not (at least at first) have any interest in our beliefs care about having good health. What an opportunity for us to share what we have been given. As we have already seen, Jesus said: “ 'For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more’ ” (Luke 12:48, NKJV). And there’s no question: to us much has been given.
Read Deuteronomy 4:1-9. What is the Lord saying to His people at that time, and in what ways does the principle expressed here apply to us, including the Lord telling them that they must be sure to obey all that He has commanded them?

A few years ago a Seventh-day Adventist congregation was thinking about this question: Would our community miss us if somehow our congregation disappeared overnight? The answer was simple. No, they wouldn’t be missed. Their community had no confidence in them.
Not liking the answer, they decided to move from building walls to building bridges. Careful not to compromise what they knew to be truth, they worked in partnership with organizations that are already doing the work of God. They became engaged with these organizations on an ongoing basis, not simply doing one-time projects but maintaining an ongoing program that greatly benefited their communities. No question: attitudes toward the church soon changed.
Read Acts 2:42-47. What connection was there in the early church between “enjoying the favor of all the people” (Acts 2:47, NIV) and church growth? Compare the values mentioned in this passage with your church’s values.

FridaySeptember 2
Further Thought: Read Mark 5:18-20Luke 8:38-39Acts 5:12-16. Read Ellen G. White, “Our Example,” pp. 17-28, in The Ministry of Healing; “The Grace of Courtesy,” pp. 236-240, in Selected Messages, book 3 (especially pp. 238, 239); “Blessing the Children,” pp. 511-517, in The Desire of Ages; “Relieve the Oppressed,” p. 242, in My Life Today.
There are, no doubt, numerous ways in which you and your church can cooperate with other churches and organizations for the good of the community. It’s crucial for your local church to know what the community needs are and then, to whatever degree possible, work in harmony with others to meet those needs. What better way to build confidence among the community and even with other churches? When mutual confidence and trust are established between your church and its target community, groundwork is laid for them to move toward following Jesus, for “this work will not, cannot, be without fruit.” - Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 144. God alone knows how many people have been, or will be, won through the simple act of reaching out and seeking to do good to others who are in need.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do we reconcile this idea of building good ties and getting a good name in the community with Jesus’ warning in Matthew 10:22: “ 'And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved’ ” (NKJV)? How do we work through what appears to be a strong contradiction?
  2. In class, discuss your answer to the question: What does true faith look like? That is, if we truly have a saving faith in Jesus, what will be different about us from those who don’t?
  3. The question of gifts from others not of our faith is one that we need to think about carefully. As we saw in Wednesday’s study, Ellen G. White talked favorably about receiving gifts from those who weren’t even believers in Jesus. In The Ministry of Healing (p. 340), however, she spoke very sharply against churches that took money from those in the liquor business (even its own members “in good and regular standing”). She said that money from these people “is stained with blood. A curse is on it.” How can we know right from wrong in regard to whom we take gifts from or cooperate with in general, even for a good cause?
Inside Story~ 

Meeting People’s Needs

Zephyrin, 29, is a Global Mission pioneer in the hills of northern Rwanda. When he came to this district two years earlier, he found just three Seventh-day Adventists.
Most people worshiped traditional gods.
Zephyrin studied the people’s needs, searching for a way to make friends for Jesus. He asked the chief for permission to teach adults to read and write. The chief agreed and gave him three rooms to use.
Zephyrin was surprised when 126 people showed up for class. He had received some training in adult literacy, but he had no books. So armed with only a blackboard and chalk, he began teaching. Eight months later, most could read and write at least a little. He formed new groups to study advanced reading and writing. When these groups graduated, they could read the Bible in their own language.
Zephyrin started and ended class with prayer, and bit by bit he told his students about God and explained Bible truths to them. As interest increased, Zephyrin arranged to hold evangelistic meetings.
About 500 people came to the meetings. Zephyrin taught them for two weeks, and then followed up with visits for a month. He held another two-week series of meetings and a one-month follow-up. He repeated this six times, all the while continuing to teach literacy classes. With each series of meetings, the attendance grew.
Almost 200 were baptized in the first baptism. One man was a fortune-teller who earned a living consulting the traditional gods. Another man was a religious teacher in another church. Most of the members of his former church followed him.
Rosette, the wife of the local school headmaster, was baptized. Zephyrin was concerned that her baptism would make her husband angry. But the headmaster attended the baptism and said, ”Who knows? Maybe I’ll be baptized too.” He was baptized during the next series of meetings and hopes to start a new group of believers near his school.
Zephyrin continued teaching literacy classes, holding evangelistic meetings, visiting families, and conducting early-morning worship and Sabbath services. And God continued to bless. Within a year, the number of believers grew from three to 300!
The church’s mission office purchased land and provided cement for the foundation and metal sheets for the roof of a church to seat 500. The believers bought bricks to build the walls.
Today the church has more than 400 members plus many children and visitors. Several smaller groups have formed in neighboring locations, resulting in more baptisms. Your regular mission offerings help support Global Mission and other church planting efforts. Thank you for giving.

Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.  email:  website:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Greater NY Conference of Seventh day Adventist Elects New Executive Secretary, Dr Alanzo Smith.

Dear Middletown Church, 

The Executive Committee of the Greater New York Conference voted on Thursday, August 18, 2016 to elected Dr. Alanzo Smith as the new Executive Secretary.  Smith will succeed Pastor Henry Beras who became conference president.  

Dr. Alanzo Smith worked in the Greater New York Conference in several capacities. He pastored the Hempstead, Grand Concourse, Tabernacle of Joy, New Life, First Ghana, New Haven, Dunamis and Victory churches. He served as Conference Director in Family Ministry, Men's Ministry, Communication, Sabbath School, Personal Ministry and as Ministerial Secretary. His ministry also includes working as an Evangelist, and an adjunct professor at Andrews University.  
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Lesson 9 Jesus Ministered to Their Needs August 20-26 ,2016

The Role of the Church in the Community
Lesson 9* August 20-26

Jesus Ministered to Their Needs

Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Mark 5:22-4310:46-52John 5:1-9Ps. 139:1-13Mark 2:1-12Acts 9:36-42.
Memory Text: “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness” (Matthew 9:35, NIV).
A retired Seventh-day Adventist woman in an African country did not wish to stop ministering in retirement. Her community needed healing because of the ravages of HIV/AIDS. The most urgent need was that AIDS orphans didn’t have adequate nutrition. In 2002, she and her church started feeding the children in the community a solid meal six days a week. They started with 50 children and, as of 2012, were serving 300 children per day. That led them to start a preschool, and now 45 of those children are attending. Other services include distributing clothing from ADRA, sharing vegetables and maize from a garden that they maintain, and taking care of the sick. They started a skills-development program for women, who teach one another skills that helped them earn a living. This demonstration of the love of Jesus spawned a new church. There were five members in the beginning and, as of 2012, 160 were attending. God provided means for building an orphanage and a new church building in 2012.What a powerful and practical example of how meeting the needs of the community is so important for Christians.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 27.
SundayAugust 21

Interruption for Ministry

Jesus steps off the boat on the shore near Capernaum. (See Mark 5:1-43.) His disciples are still reeling from the harrowing encounter with the demon-possessed man in Decapolis. As usual, a crowd is there to meet Him. Eager to get His attention, individuals in the throng jostle to be near Jesus. Immediately He is asked for help, this time by a ruler of a synagogue.
Read Mark 5:22-43. While Jesus was on His way to minister to the needs of this ruler of a synagogue, what interrupted Him, and how did He respond to the interruption? More important, what lessons should we take from the story for ourselves about how we react when interrupted for ministry?

Let’s face it, none of us likes interruptions, do we? We are busy, we have things to do, places to go, jobs to get done. We set goals for ourselves and want to meet those goals, sometimes within a certain time frame as well. Interruptions can get in the way.
That’s why, if someone comes with a need or with a request for help, it can be annoying if the time isn’t convenient. Sometimes you just can’t drop whatever you are doing. At the same time, how often could we drop what we are doing and help but don’t because we simply don’t want to?
Yet often the greatest opportunities to minister to people’s needs come through interruptions. Most of us try to avoid interruptions, and get upset when our plans are derailed. As we look at the ministry of Jesus, we notice that some of the needs that He cared for came as interruptions, to which He lovingly responded. If we think about it, many opportunities we get for ministry come in the form of interruptions. We have already looked at the story of the good Samaritan. Who knows where he was going and what he was going to do when he got there? But he stopped anyway to minister.
Talk about an interruption!
When was the last time someone interrupted you with a need and a request for help? How did you respond?

MondayAugust 22

How Can I Help You?

Read Mark 10:46-52 and John 5:1-9. In both cases, Jesus asked questions. Why would He do that?

Notice, in both cases, that Jesus asked what they wanted, even though it was obvious what they wanted. And even if it weren’t, Jesus would have known what those needs were anyway.
However, by asking these questions, Jesus showed the men respect. He showed that He was listening to them and by listening that He cared about what they were struggling with. In how many cases do people, perhaps more than anything else, simply want someone just to talk to, someone who will listen to them. Sometimes just being able to talk about one’s struggles can help a person feel better.
Consider for a moment how you would feel if you entered a doctor’s office and the doctor took one glance at you, wrote out a prescription, and sent you on your way. Surely you would doubt whether this person really knew what you needed. You might say, “The doctor didn’t ask me how I feel or listen to my heart or check my blood pressure or . . .” One of the cardinal rules of medical practice is “Diagnose before you treat.”
The same concept applies to medical missionary work, which is focused on the well-being of people and meeting their wholistic needs. Too many churches think they already know, or they guess at what needs to be done to serve others in their community. When we put forth the effort of talking to people about their needs or the needs of the community, it lets them know we care, and it informs us how we can serve in ways that will be appreciated. Also, we will make new friends.
“ 'Remember that you can break down the severest opposition by taking a personal interest in the people whom you meet. Christ took a personal interest in men and women while He lived on this earth. Wherever He went He was a medical missionary. We are to go about doing good, even as He did. We are instructed to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the sorrowing.’ ” - Ellen G. White, Welfare Ministry, p. 162.
Most of us have no problem expressing our opinions. How can we learn to be better listeners?

TuesdayAugust 23

The Deeper Needs

Jesus, as the Lord, knew more about the people than they knew about themselves. There are many accounts in the Gospels where Jesus showed that He not only knew what people were thinking at the present (see Mark 2:8)-He knew their histories as well (John 4:18).
Read Psalm 139:1-13. What is the Word of God telling us here?

As we saw yesterday, Jesus knew the needs of the people, and it was to those needs that He ministered. In fact, He knew even needs that went below the surface. This reality is seen in the story of the paralytic. Though it was obvious, on the surface, that he needed physical healing, there was something deeper there, which is why even before telling him to take up his bed and walk, Jesus said, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” (Mark 2:5).
Read Mark 2:1-12. What was going on below the surface in regard to this man? In what ways might this deeper need be a problem for all whom we seek to minister to?

Jesus knew the issue here was more than physical. “Yet it was not physical restoration he desired so much as relief from the burden of sin. If he could see Jesus, and receive the assurance of forgiveness and peace with Heaven, he would be content to live or die, according to God's will.” - Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 267.
Of course we are not going to be able to get below the surface as Jesus did. Yet we can be sure that whomever we are ministering to, they are sin-damaged creatures. That is, whatever the other surface needs, they are also in need of grace, of assurance, of the knowledge that there is a God who loves them, who died for them, and who wants only the best for them.
Think about how much you crave the assurance of salvation and of the knowledge that God loves you. How can you help others experience that same assurance and love?
WednesdayAugust 24

Dorcas in Joppa

Read Acts 9:36-42. What did Dorcas do in Joppa when she discovered the needs around her? In Acts 9:41 what does the phrase “the believers, especially the widows” (NIV) imply?

Dorcas was a disciple of action. “In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha” (Acts 9:36, NIV). Can it be said, “In [the name of your city] there are disciples named [name of your congregation]” who are “full of good works and charitable deeds” (Acts 9:36, NKJV)?
The “believers” are Christian church members; “the widows” may include church members as well as those who were not members. Dorcas likely served both. Your “Joppa” should be outside and inside your church. Consistent caring for those inside your church is also a powerful evangelistic strategy (see Acts 2:42-47). People outside can then say, “See how those Seventh-day Adventists love and care for one another!”
Read John 13:34-35 and John 15:12. What is the same message in all three texts, and why is that so important for us as a church to follow? Why, though, can it sometimes be so hard to follow?

When planning to serve people outside your church, you should consider what style, or approach, you will use.
Amy Sherman describes three styles a church can use in serving its community: (1) Settler style focuses on meeting the needs of the community around your church. The woman with the HIV/AIDS ministry chose her nearby community as her “Joppa.” (2) The gardenerstyle means developing ministry ties with neighborhoods outside your church’s immediate area, as gardeners view their gardens as an extension of their homes. Sometimes several churches partner to operate a community service center outside of each of their communities. In one city, several churches ran a health food store-out of which a new church started. (3) The shepherd style is serving one targeted population rather than a specific geographic neighborhood.-Adapted from Ronald J. Sider et al., Churches That Make a Difference: Reaching Your Community with Good News and Good Works (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2002), p. 146.
ThursdayAugust 25

The Church at Work

“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (Prov. 16:3, NIV).
Once your church has a clear vision of how it can minister to the community, it is important to develop a plan whereby all church departments can work together in order to make this vision a reality. Even though you may not consider yourself a “leader” in your church, you can contribute. Also, it is good for all church members to understand this process, for this is about your church’s mission to your community.
Ideally, a church strategic plan should be based on input from at least three sources: (1) input from biblical and Spirit of Prophecy principles; (2) knowledge of community needs; and (3) input from the congregation. Some churches have collected input from the congregation by holding brainstorming sessions during which all church members are invited to share their ideas and dreams for outreach and for improving their church within.
Read Luke 14:25-35. What does this passage have to do with commitment and the planning it takes to fulfill your church’s mission?

As you think about the process required to meet your community’s needs effectively, you might think: this takes too much commitment and time.We’d prefer to take shortcuts. The two parables warn us against taking the responsibilities of mission and discipleship lightly. They remind us that analysis and planning for our mission are essential. It’s a matter of good stewardship. The flavor of the salt in Luke 14:34 represents devotion. Without this our service, our discipleship, is useless and meaningless. We need fervent and faithful devotion to our Lord, and if we have that, fervent and faithful devotion to ministry will follow.
What are ways that you can do more to work with your church in organizing and planning beforehand how you can reach out to your community?
FridayAugust 26
Further Thought: Read Deuteronomy 15:11Job 29:11-17Proverbs 14:3119:17Acts 3:6James 1:27-2:5; Ellen G. White, “Pioneering in Australia,” pp. 327-338, in Welfare Ministry. Paul, like Jesus, was involved in meeting the expressed needs of people. We can see this, for example, in the famous story of Paul at Mars Hill in Athens. In Acts 17:23, Paul, provoked by the idolatry that he saw in the city, engaged in lively discussions with the local intelligentsia and anyone in the marketplace who would talk with him. He became aware of their needs and issues. He discovered that they had an unknown-God-shaped hole in their lives and that they needed to know the true God and to stop worshiping useless idols. He then began to preach in the synagogue, where both Jews and “Gentile worshipers” (Acts 17:17, NKJV) were. In other words, he took advantage of the opportunity he had and reached out with the gospel. Paul sought to meet them where they were, as we can see by how he talked to the people when at the synagogue and in the street. The masses believed in some kind of deity, because they had built an altar to “the unknown God” (Acts 17:23). Working from that premise, Paul sought to point them to the God “ 'whom you worship without knowing’ ” (Acts 17:23, NKJV). He even later quoted one of their own poets, who happened to have written something true: “ ' “We are also His offspring” ’ ” (Acts 17:28, NKJV). Starting from where the people were, he wanted to lead them away from their idols to the living God and Jesus, raised from the dead. In short, assessing the needs of those whom he wanted to reach, Paul then tried to help fulfill those needs.

Discussion Questions:

  1. “He who taught the people the way to secure peace and happiness was just as thoughtful of their temporal necessities as of their spiritual need.” - Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 365. What important message is given to us here in regard to why we should minister to the needs of others?
  2. Why do we, when thinking about outreach, have to be careful not to forget what our ultimate goal is? What is that ultimate goal? Give reasons for your answer.
  3. How can we learn to view some interruptions not as annoyances but as sacred opportunities for ministry? How does Galatians 2:20 help us in this area?
Inside Story~ 

”Remember Your Faith” : Part 2

Pierre refused to be swayed by his friends urging him to study at the national university. He wanted to study at the Adventist university instead, even if it meant losing a full scholarship. ”God will provide,” he told them. When Esdras and Deo realized how determined Pierre was to enroll in the Adventist university, they applied to study there as well. They were, after all, brothers.
The boys were accepted at the Adventist university. They shared a small room in a house near the university. They pooled their money, but often didn’t have enough for proper food. Even so, sometimes they shared their meager food with others who had even less.
Esdras and Deo noticed differences between their former teachers and the staff and students at the Adventist university. The teachers at the university were personally interested in the students’ needs and shared their concerns. They counseled them and prayed with them. Prayer was not just a formality; it was the lifeblood of the school.
Pierre invited Esdras and Deo to join him at worship services on Sabbath and during the week. Larger worship services were held in an open stadium on the campus. There was no church building in which to worship, but they still went. Before long the boys began to understand why God was so important in Pierre’s life.
During a Week of Prayer at the school, Esdras and Deo gave their lives to God and were baptized. Pierre rejoices that the brothers once bound by tragedy are now brothers bound by a faith in God that is stronger than death.
Like Pierre and his friends and thousands of others who survived the genocide in Rwanda, the Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA) has risen from the destruction as well. The government took over the original university campus, which was located in a still unstable region of Rwanda. They gave the church land on a hilltop in Kigali, the capital city, and funds to help rebuild the campus. Today 2,200 students are studying at the university. More than half of these students are not Adventists.
The campus of AUCA continues to grow. In 2010, the first quarter Thirteenth Sabbath Offering helped to complete a church-multipurpose building on the campus. This quarter we have the opportunity to provide funding to build a dormitory for students attending the new AUCA medical school, and an on-campus cafeteria. Thank you for your generous support of mission!

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